AUCTION 08 17. Juni 2006
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916   Cylinder davenport. Probably Saxony. Ca. 1790.

Walnut wood and walnut root veneered on softwood. Original fittings (?) and locks. Good, restored condition.

H. 120 cm, B. 119 cm, T. 65 cm.

3.200 €
sold at
2.800 €

917   Chest of drawers. German. Ca. 1840.

Mahogany veneered on softwood. Original locks. Old restored condition. One foot with minimal damage to the veneer.

H. 83 cm, B. 118 cm, T. 60,5 cm.

850 €

918   Large mirror. Probably German. Late 19th cent.

Wood and stucco, gold bronze. Stucco with several minor damages.

H. 175 cm, B. 70 cm, T. 20 cm.

350 €
sold at
300 €

919   Chair. Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau. Ca. 1920.

Beech wood and veneered plywood.

H. 82,5 cm, Sitzhöhe 45 cm.

140 €
sold at
120 €

920   A pair of armchairs. Richard Riemerschmid, Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau. 1919.

Richard Riemerschmid 1868 München – 1957 ebenda

Probably beech wood, polished and veneered plywood. Very good condition.
Vgl. Nerdinger, W. (Hrsg.): Richard Riemerschmid. Vom Jugendstil zum Werkbund. Werke und Dokumente. München, 1982. S. 255, Nr. 227b mit Abb.

H. 84,5 cm, Sitzhöhe 43 cm.

480 €
sold at
550 €

921   Set of four chairs "Hellerauer chair No. 1". Richard Riemerschmid, Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau. 1919.

Richard Riemerschmid 1868 München – 1957 ebenda

Oak wood and veneered plywood, dark brown stained. Seats upholstered (renewed).
Vgl. Nerdinger, W. (Hrsg.): Richard Riemerschmid. Vom Jugendstil zum Werkbund. Werke und Dokumente. München, 1982. S. 255, Nr. 227a mit Abb.

H. 82,5 cm, Sitzhöhe 45,5 cm.

720 €

922   Set of seven chairs "3107". Arne Jacobsen, Denmark. 1955.

Francesco Bartolozzi 1728 Florenz – 1815 Lissabon

Plywood, varnished. Execution: Fritz Hansen Eft.AS, Allerod, Denmark, probably 1990s. Varnish with minor traces of use.

H. 75,5 cm, Sitzhöhe 42 cm.

550 €

923   Small spice cupboard. North German. Ca. 1870.

Oak wood. Original fitting and key.

H. 57,5 cm, B. 47 cm, T. 22 cm.

280 €

924   Kelim bag. Caucasus. Ca. 1920.

Very good condition.

82 x 86 cm.

90 €
sold at
50 €

925   A pair of yurt kelims. Caucasus. Ca. 1920.

Very good condition.

Je 227 x 93,5 cm.

280 €
sold at
180 €

926   Tekke - Turkmene. Ca. 1900.

Partly with minimal run downs.

250 x 295 cm.

280 €
sold at
850 €
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Prices shown are estimate prices. The majority of the lots is taxed according to "Differenzbesteuerung", so there is no V.A.T. on the item itself.

* Item of artist registered with the VG Bildkunst, upon which a droit-de-suite fee will be raised, are marked as "Droit-de-suite of 2,5 % applies"". (conditions of sale paragr. 7.4.)